Open Garden on Thursday unveiled a new mobile messaging application for iOS 7 and iOS 7.1 devices that will let iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users keep chatting even when an Internet connection is not available. FireChat “takes advantage of the Multipeer Connectivity Framework in iOS 7 to give people the ability to chat with those around them,” even without a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection present.
“We may think that we depend on the Internet for everything. FireChat proves that it’s not always the case,” Open Garden’s CEO Micha Benoliel said. “People ask me: how does this work without an Internet connection? Thanks to the Multipeer Connectivity Framework introduced in iOS 7, we are now able to deliver a best-in-class peer-to-peer chat experience to anyone with an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.”
In addition to instant messages, FireChat also supports photo transfers, with the company saying the app has “no significant impact on battery consumption.”
While the app can be used in areas where an Internet connection is not available, FireChat may have an even more useful purpose, and that’s offering a communication method between users in “scenarios such as disaster recovery and public safety.” However, the app only works for users that are within 30 feet (10 meters) of each other.
FireChat is available as a free app in the App Store, and it works on devices running iOS 7 or later. It’s not clear at this time whether a FireChat for Android application will be available later down the road.
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