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Showing posts from March 13, 2014

My Phone Boots Slowly: Reducing Startup Applications on your Smartphone

Are you one of the many low-end smartphone users experiencing sluggish startup on phone? Having a phone that takes too long to boot up is no doubt a frustrating experience, and can sometimes make a user think their phone has developed some sort of problem. The classic culprit for any device booting up slowly is the too many processes and services that the operating system loads upon startup, as has been established with PC. There are however other variables that affect the startup duration of your phone; these may include

Live TV streaming: Best 2014 mobile TV applications

All your Favorite TV stations in your Hand and on the Go! We all know how busy humans have gotten over the years and have very little time to see our favorite TV programs. Either we are staying late at work, stuck in traffic or have some after-work activity that just deprives us of that little TV-time we should be getting, the truth is we still need to keep up with happenings around us. With the convenience having a smartphone affords, carrying our TV with us has been made possible. With virtually all our favorite channels readily available, be it Sports, Music, News, Celebrity gist, Movies...