How to solve Erros 0x800f0906, 0x800f0907 and 0x800f081f while installing .Net Framework 3.5 or lower on Windows 8
For some reason, the Windows 8 does not come with the .Net
framework 3.5 pre-installed while only making available the newer version
4.0/4.5. This might not be a problem until you try to install some applications
which only make use of the older .Net framework versions, and then the need to
install the previous versions will arise.
This tutorial is not about installing the older version(s)
of .Net framework but about solving potential error(s) you may face installing
it on your Windows 8 PC.
While I tried installing .Net Framework 3.5 on my tablet PC,
I encountered an error 0x800f081f (others are: 0x800f0906, 0x800f0907), after
much research, following the below steps solved it.
Go to ‘Windows update’ in control panel and
search for Updates
From the list of available updates, Check ‘Update
for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8.1 (KB3005628)’ Download size:
11.1 MB, uncheck the rest if you want to.
download and install the above update and
perform a system restart
now try and install the desired .Net Framework
again and see your problem is solved
If you do not know how to install the .Net Framework on your
Locate ‘ Turn windows Features on or off’ in
control panel under the Programs Tab
Check ‘.Net 3.5(includes .Net 3.0 and 2.0)’ and press ok
Wait for the wizard to download and install the
required feature.
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