Safe Mode!
Booting into this mode is quite easy, and it requires
holding –on most occasions- just a button. Safe mode is that light mode where
only system applications are loaded onto the OS. This means that, all third
party applications will not be loaded and hence, not work.
The safe mode is there for you to perform some
troubleshooting on your phone in the event of a device malfunction, and
determine if the malfunction was caused by an application you’ve installed on
your phone -For example, when you all of a sudden start experiencing restarting
or freezing by your smartphone. If your phone stops restarting or freezing (or
stops acting funny)
after you boot into the safe mode, then the cause of
malfunctioning is most probably an application you have installed.
In this mode, all the basic features of the phone works and
the system or preloaded applications can be accessed, e.g. playing music,
making phone calls…
Safe mode booting steps
To boot directly to safe mode into any android device, do
the following!
Completely turn off your smartphone (if
possible, hard-reset it by removing the Battery)
that, wait a few seconds then hold the power button till the Phone
responds (normal power up procedure)
Just after the boot image shows up or before the
boot animation starts, hold the VOLUME DOWN button till booting is completed
You should get a strong and long vibration to
confirm that the safe mode was successfully loaded before the normal Android UI
is shown
There should be a small and transparent banner
in the bottom left corner of your screen with caption “Safe mode”
Please repeat these steps if safe mode not
successfully loaded
In a situation where the VOLUME DOWN button don’t work for
your device (though not likely), use the VOLUME UP button instead.
After a successful safe mode boot,
Go to “settings”-“Apps”
Under the “Downloaded” tab, uninstall recently
installed applications
Restart device and allow to boot normally
Confirm if problem is solved
Repeat above steps until the culprit app(s) is
Good luck!
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